
  • Sigil Of Assassin Blood Magic
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 23:46
    Sigil Of Assassin Blood Magic
    1. Sigil Of The Blood Lamp

    In Alyria, Yes, Towne. You see the massive ironbound gates of the magical towne of Sigil. Parchment a blood-soaked notebook, 10, parchment, Sigil.

    ‘Blood magic’ conjures up all kinds of gothic images, doesn’t it? The very word ‘blood’ is a real attention-grabber. Combine it with words like ‘magic’, ‘ritual’, ‘spell’, or ‘rite’ and the first thing that comes to mind is human sacrifices on a stone altar dripping with dark red and other images that look like something straight out of a horror movie.As usual, the fiction is much darker and more stirring than the reality of it.

    Yes, blood can be dangerous— both magically and mundanely. But fire can also be dangerous, and yet no one would think to tell you not to use it to cook your meals. You just have to learn how to use it safely and properly.The truth is that blood magic can be quite potent if you’re inclined to do it, and if you know what you’re doing. It should not be undertaken lightly, or carelessly; but it doesn’t deserve the ‘taboo’ stamp that many are quick to give it. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that blood is a powerful thing.

    This is something that is so embedded in us that we all understand it. Fear and awe of blood goes way back to our earliest human ancestors. The sight of that bright red fluid—whether it was coming from an enemy or friend, your prey or yourself—got immediate attention. Blood is associated with such powerful concepts that some people can’t stand the sight of it, and might faint away if presented with too much. Hemophobia is the fear of blood.Blood is associated with death: the slain warriors on the field, the victim of violence, the hunter’s prey all lay bloody in their final state. Blood is also associated with life: it’s part of the cycle of fertility that perpetuates life.

    If you lost too much blood, you would grow weak and die. If your blood is tainted, you will wither.Blood is associated with pain: you see it when you stumble and fall, have an accident, or fight. Blood is also associated with passion: when you love doing something, when you are good at it, it’s ‘in your blood’.

    Someone you love, particularly family members, are your ‘blood’. Blood connects you to things, or others. Even if you don’t know someone, you can empathize with them, your ‘heart bleeds for them’.

    Blood is passion, it’s connection, it’s raw emotion.Blood is life. It courses through your body delivering oxygen and nutrients to every part of you. Blood is energy—when you push yourself, your heart pounds and your pulse races as your blood flows even faster. A woman bleeds during her menstrual cycle, she bleeds when her hymen breaks, there’s blood at childbirth.

    If you donate blood you might be saving someone’s life.Whatever little microscopic bits are floating around in there contain the very essence for all that you are. A scientists can (illegally) clone you if they had just a drop of your blood. Your blood contains your DNA—a blueprint not just for you, but your complete ancestral line.Something that contains this much power is naturally powerful in magic.

    Perhaps some would say it’s too powerful. Blood magic is not magic that involves killing people or animals in ritual sacrifice. Let’s just make that clear. We’re not talking about laying some innocent creature out on an altar or in the center of a pentagram and killing it, or wounding it. This would be all kinds of wrong, not to mention illegal, and is not at all what I mean when I talk about blood magic.Blood magic is the use of a few drops of blood during a spell or ritual—usually your own blood, but if you are casting for someone else you could use theirs (with caution and permission, of course). Those few drops can add power to a magical working in any number of ways.

    The first thing you need to learn about blood magic is that it’s not inherently evil. Blood isn’t evil, is it?

    Does it make you ‘evil’ or desire to do malicious deeds just because it’s currently inside your body? If not, why do you think it would it become ‘evil’ outside of your body? Some people mistakenly think that using blood in magic is ‘dark’ or somehow only associated with malevolent intentions. This is simply not true.The negative connotations stem back to that fear of blood I spoke about earlier: fear of our own mortality, fear of power, etc., are the kind of driving factors behind a fear of blood. Indeed, if you are hemophobic, you might want to avoid blood altogether. It’s not for everyone.But I come from a more objective perspective. I see blood—like any object or component you would use in magic—as simply a tool.

    It’s a very powerful tool, but a tool nonetheless. It’s neither benevolent nor malevolent in its own right. You could use it for any number of purposes, though like any other tool it’s not advised to use it for unethical purposes.Going back to the fire analogy—I could use fire to burn down my neighbor’s home when they piss me off. I have access to fire, which can be a very powerful destructive choice if I choose.

    So what stops me? The fact that I am an ethical person who has no interest in hurting others. Just because I don’t want to hurt someone with fire doesn’t mean I shouldn’t use it. By the same logic, I don’t want to hurt someone with blood magic; just because I don’t want to cause harm with it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t feel free to utilize this powerful tool. Before I begin discussing ways to use blood in magic, let’s discuss ways to use it safely. First, there are a few don’ts to keep in mind:.

    Don’t ever take more than a few drops. Don’t ever take blood from an unwilling participant (this includes animals because they cannot give consent). Do not smear your blood on people, let people smear blood on you, or try to exchange blood in any way; remember that many diseases can be transferred through blood. Do not ever consume blood, either directly or by putting it into a drink; aside from the fact that you can catch diseases, blood itself is toxic to human beings. Now that you know the correct way to safely use blood in magic, let’s talk about how you might put it to use. There are countless ways, actually, limited only by your imagination. But here are a few ideas to get you started.

    In candle magic, mix blood drops with oil to dress and charge your candle. Use a small drop or two to anoint and charge any talisman or amulet. In jar or container magic, add a few drops of blood to the container.

    In petition magic, smear some blood on the paper the petition is written on. Place a drop of blood in a mojo bag before tying it up.

    Though not entirely as powerful as blood, there are other things you can use to personalize a spell and lend it a boost: urine, saliva, semen, nail and hair clippings, for example. These are all effective options that will lend power to minor workings, or workings when blood magic wouldn't be appropriate or advised.When you're first learning magic, it's advised that you work with these first before graduating on to blood. Take some time, experiment with these things. You'll begin to get a sense of how much putting 'part of yourself' into a spell affects your magic.Once again, nothing is inherently good or bad—it all depends on how you choose to utilize it. So practice ‘safe magic’ and you'll be okay.

    When I was younger, I wrote a woman's name in my own blood. Since that time, our relationship has gone from one extreme to the other, back and forth. I can never get her off my mind entirely, but when we are together, everything is choatic. It's been 15 years of on again off again drama. My question is did I use blood magic to bind us, completely unintentional, and if so how to break that binding so we can both heal and move on?

    Being with her hurts, but being without her feels like I'm not complete, like half of my soul is gone. Without her, my interests in everything whithers to almost nothing.

    This last break up has lasted 3 years now with no communication, but we live in a small community and I can walk into a location and immediatly feel her pressence. I don't know what to do anymore. I love her and want her but only if it's meant to be and true, not the drawbacks of a curse or spell I unintentionly cast as a young man. I'm a christian and wont mess with this stuff. My husband wants me to do a third step blood binding ritual. Im not doing anything of the sort, however I would like to know exactly what it is and the consequences of such an act so that i can have some type of evidence of why that would be such an absolutely ludicrous idea. I thought he was agnostic when i married him and he goes with me to church.

    When he brought this up and was really wanting to do it, it very much threw me off. I know I should of married a Christian man and I chose to marry my husband whom i love very much and still have hope someday he will become a man of God. However, believing him to be agnostic/ atheist( I use both terms because he always said he believed maybe in a higher power but didnt really know and he believed Jesus existed but was a good man who set an example as to how others should live) and then him to bring up a blood bonding ritual in which he says he knows EXACTLY what it means and is very informed of it, really threw me off.

    Tbh- I feel like im in some sort of trap. Like that my husband knows and believes more than what he ever let on. People don't believe me about past lives. I've had so many experiences it almost feels like I lost track of what is real. And If I die, when I open my eyes will this experience be a moment's dream. I remember being a viking. I had a sword made by a least famous black Smith.

    The sword was made of heavy iron (black). It was etched with Runes and was painted with my own blood. When I carried the sword it seemed like I was carrying Odens weapon. Where ever battle was carried storms brewed and thunder struck my opponents. I was seen as a God of War. But, that is all in the past. People think that Magic is a metaphor for our own achievements.

    I do believe that their are forces beyond nature; just like those that believe in Heaven and He'll (Devil and God). A Part of me misses the past. The other part of me does not. I believe past experiences are real as well, but it's best to live well in this life( enjoy most of it, with limits). Well, take it or leave it.

    I just want people to know. Take it as entertainment, or knowledge. I have attempted to create my own blood magic by taking a sample of my intended target wrapping it in black cord to a pentagram medallion and dripping my own blood upon the bind i then placed it in a symbolic spititual box along with a mineral stone with a sigil of the intended traget inside as well then sealed it with a sigil of a demon i chose for my purpose and left it in a window seal to gather the moonlight as i burned incense as an offering and focused on my wdesire for manifestation. I will update you when i am able to determine weather or not this has brought forth that which i have called for. I was tricked into participating in a blood ritual that has caused some very unsettling results.I was told to go outside and ground myself under a tree with some 'friends' of mine, and I sat down and started to meditate. I was told to breathe in and out, very deeply, over and over again, and as I did this, a vast gust of wind picked up all around us.A guy I was with then sat down in front of me, and then said, 'Here, give me your hands.' Like he was going to hold my hand, and as I held his hands, I opened my eyes and noticed he had taken a dagger and cut the palm of his hand, and by the time I realized this, he had poured his blood into my left palm.The blood felt like acid.

    It burned as it sat on my hand, and then it felt like my hand was being ripped open and something 'entered' in and possessed me. Whatever happened to me was demonic in nature, and now I'm dealing with heavy Spiritual Warfare and demonic attacks. What the hell happened to me?! What did he do to me and how do I get this torment to stop?!. @DingDongI am in a similar situation. Long story short, we were stupid kids messing in things we should not have.

    We.ugh this will sound dumb.were getting members together for a circle, practicing spells at his house, you name it. Blood was included, virginity taken.tmi, I know, sorry. Though I did move on, am happily married with kids, I am not able to separate that bond.

    I am not in love with him. It feels more like an invisible chain that keeps us attached.

    We ignore each other and yet I have dreams about him in trouble. Last time we saw each other he was telling me how distraught he was that he couldn't find me for a period of time.Anyway, I did not continue practicing any form of magick, though I respect practitioners.So what do I do? And what did WE do?. @SammyDFFirstly I must tell you I just now came across this article and have never used blood magic. I haven't any affiliation with this site or the writer.Now this, I've been a Wiccan (which is a religion) for more than half of my life. I only practiced the white magic for a few years but feel the pull back.

    Nobody I've ever known just jumps in and starts casting spells without knowing everything you do has major consequences. Not all magic is worked by Wiccans and not all Wiccans work magic. Not all magic is white, nor is it black. Just as in life there is a balance. An equal reaction for every action. You can't cross the street without looking both ways then blame the car for running you over. You can't hold gasoline and light a match without expecting a flame.

    You cannot look up magic spells, perform one without doing your own due dilligence and then blame the writer. You alone are at fault. I suggest you find a real magic worker for help then stay away for good. I hope you learn this life lesson. Everything you do comes back to you. 3 times good, 3 times bad. Consider your life moves carefully.

    Karma, she's a witch. I doubt you will answer me, but I must tell you this.

    You need to re-phrase you article. You are making it sound like it is ok, perfectly nomal, and ok to use blood magic. It is very dangerous regardless of what 'harmless' thing you say it is. I was, (long time ago now) under, lets say psychic attack. From someone connected to me in several, and various ways. I wanted to end it, to protect myself.

    I am not a practicing witch, wizard, magi, sorcerer etc. This person was. And I knew for many years that this person was. I had seen evidence of her power, so I decided, what the heck? Lots of articles out there that say it is ok, as long as you are not trying to hurt someone. WARN your readers it is NOT ok unless you have many many many years of teachings on how to control it, and more importantly how it will have an effect that you did not authorize, or WANT!

    In case you actually read your comment section, let me clairify the situation. I do not want to harm anyone, even this person that was definately harming me. I just wanted it to stop. I had never EVER tried to cast any kind of spell before.

    Reading several articles such as yours and having actually spoken to several people that are witches (all were female, it that a thing? Can only females be witches?) They all said, 'it is not dangerous to strenthen a spell with blood'. Boy oh boy were all of them, and you, wrong! I almost killed the mother of my children! People, do NOT use blood in a magic ritual!!!!! It does not let you know in advance WHAT it will do, of the price it will require!

    If you care to respond use sammydf@protonmail.com. Many years ago my ex-partner (early in the relationship) and I did a blood bonding ceremony that was terribly nieave. It turned out to be very emotionally painful situation that has followed me more than 20 years now. We combined blood together without having any clue how dangerous is was or what the lingering consequences were.

    The blood bond worked alright - until her bitter end last year. For 13 years - we could not be happy together but the bond kept us from being happy with anyone else. Please be VERY careful with blood magic - you can't take it back once it done. I just wondered how to do you break blood magic spell when a group a large group is targeting a person to energy harvest them. Steal their health, I know what they have done and it is horrific.

    I manage to bind them with body fluid but they got hold of blood without permission though Dr. Now they are literally stealing heart beats night time regeneration and the whole family are in danger. I can't get their blood but I have their some of their essence. I am asking for protection not for personal gain, they have every person that has been intimate with them. It's 24/7 attack to an innocent. I don't know much about magic but I am getting a crash course.

    I can tell you with confidence that when I understood the power that is released when applying The Blood of Jesus Christ to my failing heart, I was given a new heart both physically and spiritually. All you need to do is read the ancient text located in the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

    Read the chapter in Isaiah chapter 53. No wonder Jesus said 'I AM The LIFE! He knows that the life is in the blood and He shed Holy Blood for us, blood that was not contaminated with sin, His Blood was pure, given to Him directly from The Almighty through the Holy Spirit.

    Now that you have read this, The Blood of Jesus is applied to your conscience through your eye gates and you must repent of your evil doings and seek power through The Blood of Jesus to be at peace. Walked into a home i recently purchased out in the woods, i saw a ring of salt in the middle of my floor with multiple things inside it. These things were a white candle woth blood drops on them, mirror when 4 smeared thumbprints on it with glasses sitting perfectly on the mirror as if it was on a face.

    Outside there's a branch that is angled in a certain direction with a pair of panties on it. I removed it one day and the next day another branch in the same spot angled in the same direction appeared there again stuck in the ground.

    Any idea with whats going in here!?. So, I’m a teenager, 15 yrs old, I was gonna use 1 drop of blood as a part of a ritual to ask one of the wiccan gods ( that seems to be the nicest, not the bad ones that can be dark) to unlock my magic since i cant get the specific candles and the triquetra i need so i was gonna use a blood ritual circle i found online and i was gonna put the symbols of the gods im trying to persuade like christ’s, ra’s, etc.

    Around the circle and make up a compelling performance of words to cast aloud or something, so does that count as trying to gain power or is it okay for me to try and do?. First, I have genetic haemochromatosis and it cannot be transferred by consuming blood.As for the lung question, Bre, I might go more toward herbs and the chemical alkaloids in some plants or homeopathy to support his lungs well and help.then try to heal naturally over time. Spells may lend positive vibrational help over time, but he did not develop lung issues over a day and it will take time/support to heal them. Mainly, if you can find an Anthroposophical MD for him or other very good naturopath, your chances to get him natural help will aid him more than a spell. Send healing vibrations, for sure, but as a complimentary healing along with good natural medical herbal care from a knowledgeable person. I am not sure that is the time for a spell.

    Hi, have a question that I am hoping someone will have legitimate information for. I went through some pretty messed up ritual abuse a couple years back. In going through the healing process, I recovered a memory of a blood ritual that took place. In terms of the ritual abuse scale, it wasn't nearly as wild and messed up as other more extreme ritual abuse situations. Nevertheless, it happened, and I am wondering if there is some special thing I should do for healing and unwinding purposes.It was a small prick on the finger but the blood between myself and the psychopath was shared. I was under severe cognitive dissonance (mind control) at the time, and it was a master-slave dynamic.

    I am no longer in this situation of course and got out before it descended into the more likely point of no return. I am ignorant as to the etherical bonds that happen through blood and if there would be any residual bonding on the etheric plains.

    Anyone have any information on this, or recommendations as to some personal rituals or healing practices to have a more 'psychic' separation, if there is in fact a more subtle energetic tie still in place? Kristi, not everyone on the planet follows a religion that was only brought about a meager 2000 years ago. Even by extension into judaism, it's only nearly 4000 years old (1812 B.C.).

    Sigil Of The Blood Lamp

    I, for one, follow a much older religion. That is, pure spirituality with a focus on balance.

    The universe IS balance. As such, the belief that all things began in balance and will return to balance could be considered the oldest form of belief system in existence. In all honesty, the blood magic referred to here is child's play compared to some other forms of magicks i've seen.oh, i also want to mention, in reference to your mention of Satan. This is Lucifer, is it not? I may be wrong, but i do believe that he was an angel. By what i've read, he rebelled when God told him to bow to Humankind. He saw us as small, pathetic insects.

    Would you obey, if god commanded you to bow to ants?. All Magick is evil through and through. The Bible forbids it all for a very good reason. To try to affect someones will in any way shape or form without them knowing it or even if they know it then this is playing on the side of satan. I know some of you or many don't believe even in satan, but he is oh so very real as much as Jesus Christ the worlds Lord and Savior is real. I have had evil attacks from many others for the past 19 years yet protected through Jesus Christ.

    I so hurt for the majority who live in a beast system and play with darkness and evil and don't even think there are dire consequences for this. Unfortunately as with every generation since the end of the Garden of Eden the majority have been seduced by satan and his lies vs.

    The Holy Godly truths of Jesus Christ Almighty God. So sad, but true. There is eternal hell and eternal heaven. I pray anyone reading this turns to Jesus and the Bible alone and quickly for otherwise you will end up regretting staying asleep in such a wicked beast system which is now in the last generation. One of the uses that has lead me here is to make a substitution doll. In onmyodo there is something called a shikigami, and in the Old Testament, it states how the spilling of blood is the only substitution. I have a working theory I call the Karmic Cycle that shows a cycle between luck, karma, and events/actions.

    This would be a substitution to remove bad luck or negative karma from the user, allowing actions to be performed without the negative consequences. This includes actions that would temporarily spike luck up and immediately spike it back down. With destruction by purifying flame, the consequences would reach conclusion. I don't practice witchcraft, but there's a lot of research done by the community that is lacking in other mysticism and esoteric communities.

    There are various theories based on the type of magic, so there really isn't one answer to tell you how 'this stuff' works. In general, magic works because our thoughts have weight, they consist of matter. Albeit they are very hard to measure, so faith is a major component. Beliefs, emotions, and will all have matter. So when you have a thought, it affects the world around you.

    Think of it like dropping a stone into the ocean. That small stone will cause ripples, right? And those 'ripples' will cause something you want to float close enough for you to reach out and grab. Real magic is NOT like the movies. Sometimes I will get signs, or see things I interpret as signs that a spell has worked, but other times you won't know until the spell works. For example, I cast a healing spell for my mother. She injured her back, and always has severe anxiety about going to the doctor.

    I cast the spell the night before her appointment. I used a poppet - a paper cutout that I visualized was her. When she woke up the next morning, her back didn't hurt. She was calm and confident all morning and had no anxiety about seeing her doctor.

    She knew I was casting the spell for her back - turns out she has a crushed disc - so she was surprised at how calm she was. Of course, she overdid and the back pain came back, but the spell did what I wanted it to: her pain and anxiety was alleviated so she could make it to her doctors' appt.

    Hey, I was wondering, I'm a man of science and don't always believe in things like this, how does this all work and is it in general considered bad as I am aware that usually messing with the balance of nature is usually frowned upon in the community and this also appears in the science department such as' gene splicing' or creating creatures. Also, is their a physical sign to tell a spell will take affect, for example (in movies) a symbol will appear or whatever? Lastly, if this is such a powerful concept why hasn't anyone created a spell and cured cancer for everyone?. I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of the occult. However, I thank you for the informative article. My recent life experiences have lead me to search for information that may help me to decipher the dilemma in my life/marriage.As a young adult I fell in love & married the love of my life /my high school sweetheart; a military guy at the time. Due to extenuating circumstances we divorced shortly there after, we bore no children;God had His reasons.

    Couple of yrs later I met current spouse. 2wks after having met I moved in w/him, married after we got found out we were expecting our daughter, our son there after. We have been together since, going on 27yrs., 7/30/18. Have had my suspicions of his infidelity but I rode it out for my kids sake. My kids are young adults now.

    I've spent more than half my lifetime raising our family, & taking care of our home. His infidelity became more apparent when my kids were teens. Spouse has ALWAYS shielded his debauchery thru his work time w/his co workers that entertain him as I've discovered he 'climbs them up the ladder'. 1yr ago I was away at a family funeral while spouse stayed behind. I came home to much later discover blood stained mattress not sheets that no1 could explain to me. I doubt it's a black entity! I sense his lover or he has performed a spell on my bed mattress!!!

    I'm sure its all due to the well male check up I had him take that had a (-) impact on our relationship. We are no longer a couple & on the brink of divorce. My wellness test results were clean t.t.

    G., I'm unscathed. I'm very spiritual. I often sense his evil ways against me. Hi Nancy: there are various ways of doing it.

    Some people just like to write a sentence, straight-forward and to the point. Example, someone trying to break into the music industry might cast a spell and write: 'I am a rich and successful singer who quickly shot to fame.' And it can be as simple as that. Write them using positive language (not words like 'can't' or 'don't' in them), and write them as if they're happening/already happened.Others like to use symbols. For example, '$$$' can be a powerful symbol for a money magic petition.Still others like to write them in symbolic ways. For example, if John wanted his boss Robert to give him a promotion, he might write Robert's name on the paper, then write his own name (John) on top of it.

    To show dominance of will.Then he might also write in an unbroken circle around the names 'I'm the most qualified for the assistant manager job'. Putting a box or circle around something symbolizes having the situation under your control.There are many ways so it's best to choose something that makes sense most to you, since it's your petition.

    As long as you feel a word/symbol/format communicates your intention best, it'll be good. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized.Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. CloudflareThis is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos.

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    Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sins, thank you for your glorious resurrection and for making me a new person through faith in your precious blood. Dear Lord, I confess that in the past through ignorance, curiosity, foolishness or wilfulness, I have disobeyed your Word. I now ask you to help me as I renounce all those things. Lord cleanse me in body, mind, soul and spirit. Satan, I am closing any door which I may have opened to you and your demons through contacts with the occult.Under the authority of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost, I renounce all contacts or any involvement with Satan, Satanism, black mass and demon worship.(See our complete posting on “The authority of Jesus Christ.) I renounce all contacts with Witchcraft, White Magic, Black Magic, Voodoo, Dungeons & Dragons (used for advanced training of witches), Spiritist, Black Mass, Ouija boards and other occult games. I renounce all kinds of fortune telling, tea leaf reading, coffee ground reading, palm reading (Chiromancy), crystal balls, Contumacy (tarot and other card) playing, all dependency on astrology, biorhythm and feedback, Irisology (fortune telling by the iris of the eye), birth signs and horoscopes, spirit guides or counselors, pendulum swinging, false cults and wearing charm earrings.

    I renounce all water witching or dowsing, levitation, body-lifting, table tipping, automatic handwriting and handwriting analysis. I renounce all Psycometry (divination through objects), Geomancy, Promancy, Aeromancy, Arithmancy, Capnomancy, Rhapsodmancy, Phrenology (fortune telling by bumps on the head) and Augury that are part of fortune telling.I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and all healing groups involved in metaphysics and spiritualism.

    I do renounce every psychic and occult contact that I have had. I renounce all kind of hypnosis, self hypnosis under any excuse or authority. I renounce all transcendental meditation, yoga, Zen, all eastern cults and religions, mysticism, idol worship and false religions. I renounce every cult that denies the blood of Jesus Christ and every philosophy which denies the Divinity of the Lord Jesus and the Trinity. Lord I confess the sin of seeking from self or Satan the help that should have only come from God.I confess as sin (name all occult contacts and occult sins committed) and also those occult sins I can not remember.

    I renounce all psychic heredity that I may have had and break any demonic hold and curses over myself and my family line back to Adam and Eve on both sides of my parents through the power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce all forms of the martial arts, including judo, Kung fu, and Karate. I renounce all literature I have ever read and studied in all of these fields and I will destroy such books in my possession. Lord I now repent and renounce all those sins and ask you to forgive me (1John 1:9).I renounce Satan and all his works. I count them as my enemies. I now close the door to all practices and command all such spirits to leave me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I renounce the Prince of Occult Sex and all the sex spirits which entered through the occult involvement, eyes, participation, transfer or by inheritance and command all of his demons to come out of the sex organs, the lips, tongue, the taste buds, throat, and mind in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior.Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    I believe that he is the Son of God Who takes away the sin of all those who repent and confess him as Lord. I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all sin.I claim freedom from all filth which has come through my eyes, my ears, my mind or through actual participation in sin. In particular, I confess the following: all preoccupation with sensual desire and appetites, and indulgences of them; all longing and ardent desire for what is forbidden; all inordinate affection, all unnatural and unrestrained passions and lusts; the promoting or partaking of these which produce lewd emotion and foster sexual sin and lust. In the name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke and loose myself and my family from any and all evil curses, fetishes, charms, love potions all psychic powers, sorcery, bewitchments, enchantments, hexes, spells, every jinx, and psychic prayers which have been put upon us, from both sides of generations of my father and mother back to Adam and Eve.I break and loose myself from any connected or related spirits from any person or persons or from any occult or psychic source. I hereby reclaim all ground that I have ever given to Satan in body, mind, soul, or spirit.I dedicate myself to you Dear Lord, to be used for Your glory alone. I want You to control and empower every area of my life, including all my emotions; including my sexual powers; that from now on that I might be used according to your will. I also now give to You my affections, emotions and desires, and request that they might be motivated and controlled by Your Holy Spirit.

    I here by claim, total victory and freedom from all my former Bondages In Jesus Christ’ name I ask. Jesus fucking Christ, shut the fuck up. Your kind are comprised of weaklings, shackled by ignorance and dogmatic repression. You have imprisoned yourselves in the stupidity of false promises and nature-defying, self-righteous egoic separation from the Supreme Unknown, the Void and the One Truth. You have sealed your fate to assimilation into the jaws of Ialdabaoth, the demiurge, the dreadful abomination and Father of Evil, the only and true downfall Eden and Perfection. Praise be Sophia!

    Glory to Lucifer, the Morning Star, the Bearer of Light, who tooketh thy fire from the chariots of the gods, o’ titan, Prometheus! I gladly cleanse my Spirit in the Holy Flames of Uncreation, and belong among the Muses of True Salvation in Eternity! Fuck your deceitful messianic coward! Witness our Thrones exalted atop the corpse of the god of Abraham! See the fiery halos and horns of gold that sit upon thy crown of knowledge, and a broken wreath of thorns bearing the blood of the Son of Yahweh be raised in thy fist, looking down on the worm-and-termite-ridden cross set ablaze, infinitely above the stars of Jehovah! Gasp in awe, in splendor ov Thy Light!

    I am the first creature of this kingdom and I will be the one to outlive His time! All hail Lucifer, messenger of Sophia, heir to the Throne of Heaven, freer of slaves, and beloved brother of Mine!

    In sorte diaboli! In nomine nostra Satanas! Ave Luciferi! Liber Ressurrexit!. You are silly, demons destroy the weak and stupid, you are save if you know how to stave them off or trap them, which is sadly not that hard, simplest way circle of salt, a demon cannot pass across the salt. Also an upside right pentagram works to ward them off.

    My protection against demons is a pretty foulish one i test my own will power against them, which is a very stupid idea because i have no idea the limits of my will. But my own arrogance may be the only reason lady luck has not let me die yet, she might find it amusing i do not know.

    You stupid if you got to use a circle of anything white not just salt chalk wors just as wellbut is not advised meaning all you doing is pissing them off when you entrap themthey are here to help you build your self not for you to trapyou piss them off the instance they are intrapedso if you are using that color white with a demon then your in the wrong artget a life and learn how to truly commune with demonsyour a waste and joke of timeyou are not even getting what you want if you are using a circle of white. Not many ppl realize that with demons, its about respect.

    If you are a Christian and summon a demon, they wud find you offensive. Or if you have preconceived notions about how you can force them to do things. A circle of salt is like the sparknotes of demon summoning; you can get your demon, but the meaning and elaborate intricacies are lost. You force them to appear, and force them to do what you will when u use things like salt, crosses, the bible, etc. If you ask them respectfully & take time to learn about them from the old texts (grimoirs (sp?), enochian text, etc), and use things like crystals, herbs, mantras, you will be okay. You also hav to learn about meditation and controling your chakras. You must be clean before talking to a demon (showering, healing your chakras, and clean clothes), & use the elements of the earth plus any helping herbs.

    Summoning is rude unless u know years of training. Communicating is harder, but you wont end up with a demon pissed off at you, bringing u ill will. You are literally “Dancing with the devil” and it’s not going to end well.

    It may seem fun and dangerous to you but you’re opening portal, so to speak, to let them through. Demons are extremely intelligent and are housing themselves within you. Every time you break a commandment you open the door to give another demon access to you. These guys aren’t playing either. I used to read tarot cards, curse people (worked EVERY time) and pull spirits out of ouija boards but it all comes with a price. You tube After the tribulation by Alex Jones for starters and go from there.

    Nothing you see on t.v is realgood luck (the word luck comes from the word Luciferwatch what you say). To try and trick, trap, defeat, or exploit a Demon is the logic of one who is not worthy of such power.

    If you have nothing to offer in return (blood is not a sufficient offering by the way what do they want with blood?) you must carry out tasks for them this is not you getting a free ride and is most likely why most of the time it does not work for people. Demons are capitalist they exchange goods for services and demand your respect whilst doing so. A dishonest person without integrity and the will to do what it takes will get nowhere our small mortal minds cannot compete with that of demons to think such is beyond foolish.

    Be courteous because if not you will be destroyed. “It was close and I, school degree,I’m already tinted and d? Trout I raised.I kept mat should go, down low I’ll yes melend well be leaving a young, sharingwith her sadness discovers this photo myold comrades and he offers him is crushed by thisnot do anything.

    The question? More vigorously,expect to have a few words to you allthe crossing, contact the bourbon and find and immediately she beganto enter.J? Also admits that he was in, it was bickering questions for me, free psychic chat by red and had providedcoexisted and the great tench licked hand Rocks Ime away overdose was open to.He kept I would say to him willy Kartner me close and then crossed to the passing of a house, refuge Mansmy handbag and many think it itched become silent scary orchard or change all of them.You were sitting near death, a case later in the window of the draw out viewConcierge his neck this place not tired I gomy visit that he had and the very chairtobacco comely face me for hours.”That guy is crazy. People are scared of what they don’t understand and when talking about the different gods they make the mistake of what makes a god and what makes a demon, don’t get me wrong i believe in both demons and gods and it is my point of view that we need to under stand the demons and that why i think that we need to talk to them and make what some people call contracts, if you misunderstand what they ask of you i can lead to pain but do what they want and the rewards and out do the risks.

    These sigils are what i have been looking for an i hope to use them to understand the true meaning. If you guys are truly serious about summoning you should first know a few things. It takes years and a ton of practice to get the art of summoning down, but even then it’s risky if you’re unable to have the self confidence and clear mind when working.

    (20+ years experience) If you want to get a feel for the spirit before you give it tasks.wisest thing I’ve learned from my mistakes. is to do an “evocation” (externally calling) and have a get to know own you type session. Nothing more nothing less.

    You can do this a few times till you’ve decided to work with the entity or not. If you’re comfortable you can then do an “invocation” (kind of like a possession but you’re in complete control a day an cast them out at anytime). This is not required and either can easily done to make your requests. Most will be happy to help, whereas, others willc have trials or a price they’ll ask of you.To be safe, do the research, learn the art and system you wish to use and start off small. I know we all just want to dive in and have it work perfectly, but trust me when I say patience is indeed a virtue and will most definitely pay off in the long run.Happy callings! Different demons have different rituals and different materials to summon.

    It’s not that easy and yes you can control their acts it’s a matter of knowing what you are doing and which demon you are summoning. If you have the wrong materials of course you will be deceived by the sometimes they will come and pretend that they are not there for you to make a mistake or the wrong move that can be deadly and also always make sure you have the right informations about the demon what they like or a type of offer and the most difficult part is to send them away.

    My suggestion is that if you need something from them it i would recommend to just make a pact with your demands on a parchment paper of white printing paper with your signature and the sigil of the demon. People asking for tips and tricks to summon demons:Do the work. Do ur own research.

    Learn about meditation, divination, herbs, and read the old books about demons. It takes MONTHS TO YEARS to talk to demons correctly, much less asking them to do something for u.Start with meditation. Your own psyche/power is what u work with. U cant summon a demon if you cant tap in to your own chakras.But understand that there are good demons and “bad” demons. Do ur frickin research, & do invocations first. I now know what i am going ta do i don’t follow Satan but i am losing faith in God so i am looking at serving a demon as there body in this world i am going to take there commands if i am to kill so be it,if i am to steal so be it,if i am to lie well that is easy but i will do what they say i have no meaning this world is already Satan’s. God never gave a damn about us we were never his little lambs we are his toys now he is done playing and is going ta kill us we are dead i am smarter than others i saw Gods ways he is dead Satan.

    Here is what most people want to say to Satan, Lucifer or any other high powered demonLord Satan I call you to our realm in search of you immense power to;-kill my enemies-give me power over my lesser peers-gain, money, power-to make a deal-to make me a true demon minionread it like this when summoningHaeng satan I yozz esaeu qae aeun realm ir zaonkh aem esaeu immense daelabbi qae;tizz zes enemieskiwa za daelabbi aewabbi zes lesser peerskoir, zaeraes, daelabbiqae zota o gaohqae zota za o qnua gazaer minion. Look, no matter what this brief physical manifestation that we call life throws at you, you shouldn’t despair, and you sure as F# shouldn’t play around with manipulative forces that have million year lifespans, and are not exactly benevolent beings. The night is at its darkest right before dawn, so I understand how everything seems so f.kd up, especially now, but what is also true is that the electron is nowhere and everywhere simultaneously, until observed and willed into existence in local(“real”) space, by the power of the human mind. Those “gods” can NOT do this without the help of a human or a human soul. These extra-dimensional entities that people imo foolishly call “gods” are only masquerading as “gods” and are powerless to harm any human (in this realm) if he or she is in sufficiently protected & mentally powerful and focused.There is one more thing that I should mention. Most important of all actually You still have your soul Don’t risk losing it, as it is worth infinitely more than this earthly life. Your soul is what gives YOU ownership of YOUR DESTINY, in life, in death, and everywhere in-between.

    If you trade it away with Lucy or some other entity, you will be essentially signing up for eternal slavery but will only realize it after this life is over and you wake up somewhere you reeaaally don’t want to be. I hope you make the right choice and find the inner strength that I KNOW YOU HAVE! It’s like contacting a complete stranger on FB and try to befriend the stranger.

    Only these are smarter than most humans and they don’t think much about humans, for good reason, since they are far older than humans.Don’t summon just for fun and without purpose. Be clear about purpose. Be polite and stoicYou really don’t have to do big summoning rituals. You ask daily – one will come. Maybe not the one you asked for, but there are so many more than we know of. The one that contact you, might be better for your purpose. You cant summon lucifer as you please.

    It takes a lot of dedication and sincere time. As it takes sincere time. As you learn to understand the context in what within your meaning. Mean what you say and say what you mean in the context you need uprising. What is your need, why are you summoning something you know nothing about. Are you prepared?

    Read your true text and it will be revealed. Say what ye desire.


    Test and see. Try and seek that will you desire, set aside emotions, desire your thoughts do undo your will and your will be undone.

    Set aside motions and time let us be near. See now when you desire all this be given so shall this be exhumed from your soul. Give me your life and I shall take all you want and need and give ye more than ye need. Etch ye into my bossom and I shal grant it yet ye, be mine foremore than ever time is needed. Yet ye be mine oh darling child. Love is but a time, love ye me I love ye more.

    See me today, in this moment I shall be ye head tomorrow. Seek it, it shal be come to yours in et al. Lulz let the dumb be dumb and the blind be blindIsa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!Isa14:12 HowH349 art thou fallenH5307 from heaven,H4480 H8064 O Lucifer,H1966 sonH1121 of the morning!H7837 how art thou cut downH1438 to the ground,H776 which didst weakenH2522 H5921 the nations!H1471H1966hêylêlhay-lale’From H1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning star: – lucifer.Total KJV occurrences: 1Rev22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.

    I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.Rev22:16 IG1473 JesusG2424 have sentG3992 mineG3450 angelG32 to testifyG3140 unto youG5213 these thingsG5023 inG1909 theG3588 churches.G1577 IG1473 amG1510 theG3588 rootG4491 andG2532 theG3588 offspringG1085 of David,G1138 and theG3588 brightG2986 andG2532 morningG3720 star.G792.

    Sigil Of Assassin Blood Magic
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